Friday, May 8, 2020

2A- Bug List

1. How cars don't come with a built-in trash compartment.
Why: maybe it would be a safety issue or car designers haven't thought about it. 

2. When I step to open the diaper dispenser the smell comes out.
Why: the opening of the device doesn't have sufficient insulation when the top opens.

3. During rush hour (in between class periods) the on-campus Starbuck's lines move very slow. 
Why: not enough staff, or not enough experienced staff, or the fact that baristas have to manually write the order on cups which takes time, or the fact that online orders also increase during that time.

4. How you can't redeem points at on-campus Aramark stores (Chick-Fil-a, Starbucks...)
Why: maybe they don't have the compatible software that allows the gain of points, or it's a financial decision they make to save more money.

5. My phone's battery life is bad, and I have to charge it multiple times a day.
Why: I have an apple phone and they are said to start acting up after a couple of years of use to force the customer to buy another one. Also, it is significantly hard to change an apple battery so it makes more sense to buy another phone.

6. When I can't find my keys in my purse.
Why: this is a common problem amongst any bag-owner because there's usually no practical compartment or divisions in bags.

7. When I go to work and my computer takes forever to turn on.
Why: I am not computer savvy but I think it's because the computer is old and the system runs slower. 

8. When I greet someone that I know and they don't reply with the same energy (act like they don't know you well).
Why: some people are just influenced by who they hang with and maybe that's why they don't greet you, or in some cases, they simply don't remember you at the moment.

9. When people don't clean up after themselves in a restaurant and leave trash at the tables.
Why: they have no manners and don't think of those that work there and will have to clean up.

10. When you make plans with friends and they cancel on you last minute.
Why: sometimes it's for a reasonable cause like something urgent happened; however, most times it's because they didn't really feel like hanging in the first place. 

11. When a professor or TA grades very slowly and you as a student don't know where you stand in the class until the last weeks. 
Why: it can be because they have a lot on their plate in their personal lives, or that they are unorganized and procrastinate. 

12. How most student housings have a small fridge given the number of people that share the fridge, and don't have an equal amount of compartments for the number of residents.
Why: it was cheaper for he/she (owner) to get this specific style of appliance, or he/she (owner) didn't think about this detail.

13. How some classes require (expensive) textbooks that you don't even end up using.
Why: it's policy or some sort of requirement for the professor to report that textbook in the syllabus, maybe the university has a form of contract with textbook companies.

14. When my phone screen automatically adjusts the brightness.
Why: it's setup that way in the settings of the phone.

15. When it's hot outside but super cold inside buildings. 
Why: there's air conditioning inside buildings and that makes a significant change between internal and external temperature.

16. When there's unnecessary packaging for products ordered online.
Why: companies don't think of their environmental impact or don't act on it.

17. When you can only find large bags of produce (lettuce, spinach, mixed leaves..) and half goes to waste because produce tends to go bad quickly.
Why: maybe it's more cost-effective for brands to offer bigger portions, or they target consumers in  bigger households.

18. When the expiration dates for Walmart bakery bread is always like in 2-3 days.
Why: shelf life is naturally short because ingredients expire quicker.

19. How expensive female hygiene products are.
Why: could be because supplies and labor cost more so companies mark the price accordingly, or because they want a bigger profit margin and increase the price.

20. How buses are like >40 mins apart after around 7 pm.
Why: since the volume of passengers decreases after 6 pm, fewer buses run per line.
Refection: coming up with this list was harder than I expected. I did it in two days because I was completely stuck after coming up with the first seven on the first day and decided to continue on the following day. This exercise was challenging because I don't really think about things that bother me, or I just get accustomed to these things.  


  1. Hi Isabella, this list was hard for me to come up with as well. It is hard to come up with a list like this as we usually do not spend our time thinking about everything that bothers us, we usually just get bothered by something and then move on. I don't know about you, but it was hard for me to come up with the "why" to the "bug". When I read your list, I found a few points that do bug me but couldn't come up with them for my list. I especially identify with losing my keys in my purse. I did have the hot outside and cold inside bug on my list too! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Hey Isabella, I felt the same way coming up with this list. At first it seemed like a relatively easy topic, things that bug us to day to day. As I started the list I noticed that it was harder than I thought to remember the small things that change our moods. I really connect with some of your bugs and think that you pointed out some really important ones. Female hygiene products are way too over priced due to the pink tax. It's incredible that that even exists.
    Thanks for sharing!
