Friday, May 8, 2020

3A- Your Entrepreneurship Story

My name is Isabella and my major is Business Administration. I have been exposed to entrepreneurship, at the time I wouldn't call it that, in 8th grade when I went door-to-door to sell chocolate bars to raise money for my schools' end-of-year trip. I don't quite remember the numbers, but it worked that for every X amount of chocolate boxes you sold a Y amount of money would be taken off for your trip expenses. I wasn't completely comfortable going door-to-door because I was shy but I still wanted to go on the trip, so I decided to get a friend who lived in the same community as me to go along with me. We both made a deal to sell boxes together so that if I sold my first box the next one would be hers. This worked out well and was more efficient because it's more persuasive having two little girls asking for you to buy chocolate than one, and in the end, we sold 4 boxes all together. It felt nice making transactions and counting the money at the end of the day, and being able to help out a bit with the expenses so that my parents didn't have to pay full price.
I am taking ENT3003 because I want to minor in entrepreneurship. The reason why entrepreneurship sounds interesting to me is that my ultimate career goal is to have my own business and be my own boss. I hope this class will teach me something to help me reach that goal.


  1. Hey Isabella, these chocolate bars were amazing, I remember when students would come around and I would beg my parents to get me one. This was a great way to push many students out of their comfort zone and help get over the shyness. This, im sure helps you now day to day to not be as shy in talking to people you don't know. I might want to also minor in Entrepreneurship, I have to look more into it, but hopefully this class helps us!

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  3. Isabella,

    Thank you for sharing your entrepreneurship story. I loved reading how you had this experience at such a young age. It is so interesting to identify these little moments in our lives that lead us down a possible future career path. These experience push us out of our comfort zones and show us what we are good and not so good at. For example, you not being comfortable going door to door and speaking with people you did not know. These are such great opportunities that allow us to grow. Best of luck this semester!
