Wednesday, May 27, 2020

6A- Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

(a)where you found it ?
(b)what leads you to believe that this information suggests an opportunity might exist
(c)who do you think is most likely to be the customer with the opportunity (i.e., the prototypical customer)
(d)is the opportunity relatively easy or relatively difficult to exploit, and why do you think so?
(e)Is there something in your experience, work history, emotions, attitudes, and desires that helped you find this opportunity?

Economic Trend #1- rise in unemployment rate
(b) although unemployment is a horrible thing, it can create opportunities for those looking to buy property. As seen in the past, dramatic rises in unemployment causes consumers to have less spending money and therefore prompting a recession. Current unemployment rates just in the month of April increased to 14.7%.
(c) financially well off people regardless of current situation, as well as investors who are looking to buy houses
(d) This opportunity is relatively easy to exploit because if you have the means to buy a home you will be benefitted by the current and projected future decrease in house prices (specially in certain areas).
(e) I noticed this opportunity due to the amounts of friends and family that I see becoming unemployed or being put on furlough. I made the connection between unemployment and recession due to previous knowledge.

Economic Trend #2- stock market prices 
(b) although the stock market is recovering from its steep fall during March-April, it still is a good time to buy stocks given that some companies stock prices have decreased due to the corona virus.
(c) people that invest in stocks
(d) this opportunity is relatively easy depending how knowledgeable you are about the stock market and investing in it.
(e) I noticed this opportunity because of previous knowledge I have of how stock markets work.

Regulatory Trend #1- California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
(b) the CCPA "creates new consumer rights relating to the access to, deletion of, and sharing of personal information that is collected by businesses." ( This can provide opportunities for the state of California and lawyers who can earn money from this.
(c) state of  California and lawyers
(d) this opportunity is relatively difficult to exploit because the reinforcement of such laws are difficult.
(e) I noticed this opportunity because I was seeking to find an opportunity out of this, which made me more aware of what could be taken out of this situation.

Regulatory Trend #2- 2020-2021 proposal to Open Eight National Wildlife Refuges (NWR) for hunting and Sport Fishing
(b) if passed, this proposed regulation can provide opportunities in the hunting/fishing gear market, specially in the locations near these NWR locations.
(c) people who hunt and fish
(d) i think this opportunity is relatively easy to exploit because there's room to expand on technologies related to hunting and fishing.
(e) I noticed this opportunity because I used to live by a Bass Pro Shop so this reminded of how lucrative the industry is.

1 comment:

  1. Isabella,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us and identifying some economic and regulatory trends. It is definitely difficult - especially during this time - to steer away from talking about the coronavirus and how it is affecting regulatory changes and the economy. I still think you did a great job of choosing your topics and the information that you found.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Morgan Mowery
