Wednesday, May 27, 2020

5A- Identifying Local Opportunities

Gainesville man arrested after reportedly stealing landscaping equipment from hardware store

  • Summary: Man was arrested after stealing landscape equipment from Ace Hardware store in a spam of two days and fleeing from officers later on. He stole various plants, mulch, soil, water infiltrators and more which he later would resell from $100 to $120. He was arrested and is being held in a $75,000 bond.
  • Problem: security surveillance at store was lacking effectiveness since they didn't notice the theft the moment it occurred.
  • Who: Stores of any kind that lack effective equipment or surveillance can have this problem.

VA reports increase in number of appointments at North Florida/South Georgia VA HCS health facility in Gainesville (573QD) in February

  • Summary: New patients under the Veteran's Affair Health Care System may wait up to 70 days for an appointment when they first enroll for benefits. 97.3% of appointments made in February had a wait time of 30 days or less and 2.7% were scheduled more than 30 days out. The VA says that the wait time is due to the fact that when veterans apply for benefits they are assigned to one of eight priority groups and appointments are placed accordingly. 
  • Problem: wait time for patients are long and system is ineffective. 
  • Who: patients under the VA HCS

Gas prices begin to rise again in Florida

  • Summary: Gas prices are rising again, after the memorial day holiday gasoline costs 11 cents more than a week ago across Florida. Gainesville has the second-highest prices in the state at $1.95 a gallon. 
  • Problem: with the increase in gas prices along with the environmental situation of Covid consumer's discretionary spending goes down, and many people drive less.
  • Who: stores that specialize in non essential products can be affected by having less customers. 

LifeSouth in need of blood donors

  • Summary: local blood bank has seen a big drop in blood donations during the pandemic. LifeSouth asks for donors of any blood type, anyone who donates will receive a free COVID-19 antibody test to help those ill from the virus.
  • Problem: significant decrease in blood donations
  • Who: patients who are sick and in need of blood

Betsy DeVos releases new Title IX regulations for college campuses

  • Summary: new Title IX regulations were passed for college campuses and will be effective on August 14, 2020. It redefines sexual harassment as "conduct that is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to education". This new definition is more specific and excludes many previous nature of allegations. If allegations don't fit the new definition the school can dismiss the complaint entirely. The changes to the regulation is causing talk between those who support it and others who don't.
  • Problem: new regulation is more narrow and can cause dismissing of cases that don't fit the "severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive" meaning if it's not all three components such as if a case is "severe but not pervasive" it can be dismissed. 
  • Who: future sexual harassment victims that are college students 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Isabella, thank you for sharing. I found your articles to be very interesting. I found the article about the increase in patients at the VA. I can imagine how frustrating it must be to wait for 70 days for an appointment. At home we are seeing similar issues, many of the public hospitals are over saturated and people with an urgent need to be seen by a doctor are not admitted because the number of COVID-19 cases continue to rise beyond what the health ministry predicted. I found the LifeSouth article to be very interesting, especially since they are offering such a big incentive to donate blood.
