Thursday, June 4, 2020

9A- Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

WHO: two of my interviewees said that although they get their 'basics' from different sources, they are not bothered by it and enjoy browsing multiple stores. Another interviewee mentioned that she buys all her 'basics' from one store and therefore doesn't have that need. The last two interviewees said that although they do buy from various stores, they don't spend much money on 'basics' and therefore wouldn't be attracted to a brand that sells them for a medium to high price range. 

WHAT: the need I identified was the need for a clothing brand that deals with only  "basics" with good quality and reasonable prices. This differs from the need of getting seasonal or style-specific clothing.

WHY: those outside the boundaries of my need either need cheaper options for 'basics', don't value having good quality for 'basic' pieces, or don't have the need at all.  

Inside the Boundary
Outside the Boundary
People who find it challenging getting good quality ‘basics’ in one place with reasonable prices.
People who don’t find it challenging to get ‘basics’ from one place, or are not bothered by having to browse different stores, or don’t want to spend much money on it.
Need for a one-stop-shop clothing brand for quality ‘basics’
Do not have the need for ‘basic’ pieces
Need exists because it is difficult to find good essential clothing items in one brand.
Could alternately have the need for cheaper price point, or already have set preference towards a brand.


  1. Isabelle,
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas on your blog. I really enjoyed reading your reflection and what you came up with for your who, what, and why. I feel as if we both made very similar observations when it came to these specific topics! The only thing I would personally recommend is that you first start off your blog post with your idea so that we know exactly what your "company" or "service" is. Overall, I thought you did a great job!

    Thanks again for sharing,
    Morgan Mowery

  2. Hey Isabella,
    Your initial post already had me pondering some of the ideas that you put down on paper. In this post you seem to explain how the piece of equipment can now also be used outside of purses. I previously commented that one of your issues was recognizing that you weren't attracting all audiences to your invention, but now that you have clarified and explained in this post. I can definitely see myself purchasing one of these and maybe even use it everyday! Great job!
