Thursday, June 18, 2020

16A –What’s Your Secret Sauce?

Five things that make me unique:

  1. I have lived in two countries which hold different values and have different cultures. This gives me an open mind and adaptability to new environment and things.
  2. I am very organized. I find satisfaction in crossing out things that I finish in my agenda. It keeps me focused and on track to achieving my goals
  3. I am an easygoing person. I don't hold grudges and don't stress over matters that don't add value to my life. This makes it easy for me to be social and develop friendships.
  4. I am hardworking and have strong work ethics. I will do extra steps and things that are not necessarily required to make sure my job is done well. 
  5. I am grounded on my values. Although I am very open-minded there are things that I will not be influenced to do such as things that violate basic human rights and treating people badly. 
Interviews: (I couldn't figure out for my life how to record/add audio under google docs)
  • My mom said that my ability to adapt to new things sets me apart. She says I don't get anxious or scared to venture into new experiences.
  • My dad mentioned how I am a hard worker, how I have always been focused and know what I need to do in order to have a good life in the future.
  • Liz, my best friend, said she admires how I am dependable and easy to rely on. She said when she needs something I am the first person she would think of asking for help.
  • Rafaella, my close friend, mentioned how I am focused on whatever I put my mind to and she admires that about me.
  • My boyfriend also mentioned how I am a hard worker and give my 110% to whatever project or task I do.
Reflection:Seems like how I see myself is similar to how others see me. I think of myself as someone who is caring, hard worker, and grounded. A difference is how my friend described me as dependable, I didn't realize that before maybe because I never really thought about it, it's just something you do. Other than that there seems to be no other differences. I wouldn't make any changes to the original list because I still feel like those are my human capital. There's much to improve on and there's definitely many things that I want to add to my portfolio.


  1. Hi Isabella,
    I think that where you come from is incredibly important in becoming the person you are and your upbringing in two different countries I would guess allows you to see problems from a unique perspective that those who have lived in one country may not understand. Being easygoing, while being hardworking is an uncommon combination that can lead to a lot of success in my opinion because you can balance getting work done and taking time to relax so you or your team do not burn out. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Isabella, thank you for sharing. I enjoyed what you wrote for what makes you unique and I also enjoyed reading what others had to say about you. I have also lived in different countries and can speak different languages. I think that this has helped me connect with so many people. I think that what you said and what others said about you were very similar, which is a good thing because it means you know yourself well and you are true to yourself around others.

  3. Hey Isabella, I really like what you shared and it is almost the same to what people had to say about you. Living in two different countries really opens your eyes to how different cultures work and the opportunities and how they change in each place. I think being organized is a very good quality as you will probably always be ready for any obstacles in your life that may arise.
    Thanks for sharing !

  4. Hi Isabella,
    Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed reading what your friends and family had to say about you. I always find it heart warming to hear positive and encouraging statements about myself from the people whom I am closest to. You never realize how many people look at you in a certain way that you may not even see yourself. Although, you see yourself in a similar light to those who see you, it is always reassuring that you are on the right track. Thanks again for sharing, I really enjoyed reading this post.
    -Morgan Mowery
