Thursday, July 9, 2020

17A – Elevator Pitch No. 2

2) A reflection on the feedback you received from your last pitch
After receiving great constructive feedbacks the main points made to improve my pitch were: 

  • to specify what type of clothing range the brand provided to help target a specific audience
  • to make the pitch longer 

3) What did you change, based on the feedback?
The changes I made were all based on the previously mentioned bullet points. I now feel like the pitch has improved from the first one by adding the range and values of the business.


  1. Hey Isabella,
    Wow! I though you did a really great job with this elevator pitch. You were concise and intriguing. I felt that you got all of your points across really well and made me really interested in what you are offering here. I think the best part of your speech was the middle of your speech. This area I felt that I was just so engaged in what you were saying and really wanted to keep listening to you. Great job and thanks for sharing.
    -Morgan Mowery

  2. Hi Isabella,
    I thought your elevator pitch was very informative. You used a lot of hand gestures, and clearly explaining your business concept and how it would work. You seemed very passionate about your product and it showed in your elevator pitch. My only suggestions would be to project your voice a little more, because sometimes it was hard to hear and try to make your pitch a little longer to get closer to the 90 second mark. Other than that, great work!
