Wednesday, July 29, 2020

26A – Celebrating Failure

1) This past semester I failed many times on my goal of going to sleep by midnight. I am trying to make it a habit of going to sleep "early" so that I can wake up earlier. Given the lack of structure and schedule in my life due to quarantine- class is online and i'm not currently working- I really have nowhere to be at certain times anymore. I have been trying to self- discipline myself as far as my sleeping habits... but no luck so far lol! 

2) I basically learned that I have no self discipline, at least in this situation. I understand that its okay to not have the best sleeping schedule right now but i think that my goal isn't super hard to do because i try not to make goals that are too demanding- like is i said 10pm instead of 12. 

3) My failure has showed me that it is hard to motivate ourselves to change our habits. Something as simple as my above experience can be applied to more drastic examples like managers trying to change or adapt their management ways or business owners having to motivate themselves to keep pushing themselves even when they only encounter failure. I handle failure okay-ish I definitely need to improve and being less bummed out when it happens and seeing it as an opportunity to learn and change. This class has kinda changed my perspective on failure because it shows how the basis for entrepreneurship is failure and its about how you rise up from that.


  1. Hey Isabella, that goal is one that im sure many of us can not meet! It hard to manage classes, social life and family now that a lot of us are home. Usually I try to wake up early and not too late but its hard when I go to sleep too late. I think it is important to also notice that you are setting a good goal for yourself!

  2. Hi Isabella, this semester has definitely been hard on me and my routines. With all the changes I had to make when UF went online, my social life was altered and my motivation definitely decreased I have learned how to adapt. I felt like I failed when I could not find a good method for studying/learning and not performing on tests as I hoped I could. I agree with you that this class has taught me how to look at failure differently. Thank you for sharing!
