Thursday, July 16, 2020

21A – Reading Reflection No. 2

For this reading reflection I chose The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users, by Guy Kawasaki
1) What was the general theme or argument of the book?
the main point the book made was how social media is a key asset in today's world in growing a business. Social media can have positive or negative effects on a business and Kawasaki with his background at Apple, shows the reader how to take full advantage of it. The book provides over 100 tips, tricks and insights on how to set up a successful social media account. 
2) How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT 3003?
this book connects with what we are learning in this class because it teaches you how to connect with your audience. As we have seen before knowing your target customer is very important and connecting with them is essential. Social media is the #1 way you can connect with the younger generations and show them what your business is about, having a strong social media present today is very important for a successful business. The book gives advice on how to comment, what to post, and how to set up your profile so that it matches your target audience.
3) If you had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book you read, what would that exercise involve?
the exercise i would design for this class based on the book would be for people to create a social media account for their business. For those who actually already started their business or are in the beginning stages i would ask them to start an account (if they havent already), and for others who are just brainstorming business ideas i would ask them to find accounts of their potential competitors and print out the things they like and dislike about their page.
4) What was your biggest surprise or 'aha' moment when reading the book? In other words, what did you learn that differed most from your expectations
my biggest 'aha' moment while reading the book was how serious social media is to companies. As a daily user of it i see it more as a form of entertainment where i can find funny memes and see what my friends are up to, but as a business platform it can take a lot of time and effort to make your business stand out and get into peoples radar. He mentions how people only spend a few seconds in a post, so it is critical to optimize it as much as you can.


  1. Hey Isabella, I liked this book! How did you feel about it? I think its great to have this many tips for when your business might be starting on social media. As this is now the platform that we all connect through, it is an essential need for a modern business. The tips and tricks for marketing were impressive and have some details on things I hadnt thought about before!
    Thanks for sharing

  2. Hi Isabella,
    I didn’t pick this book, but it sounds really interesting! I’ve worked with a digital marketing agency and it also surprised me to see how important Facebook, Instagram, and even Snapchat are becoming in the business world. The complex algorithms help get your business seen and purchased. Consumers scroll quickly through social media, so like you said, it’s crucial to make a big impact quickly!

  3. Hey Isabella,
    I really enjoyed reading your thoughts and reflections on this book. I personally did not choose to read this one, but it definitely stood out to me because I have such an interest in how social media works and influences business. I think you can really boost your business platform through various social media platforms and it is such an interesting way of advertising that has completely altered businesses. I really like how you explained your activity idea for the class as well. Sounds like a really good idea! Again, thanks for sharing.
    -Morgan Mowery
