Wednesday, July 8, 2020

19A – Idea Napkin No. 2

I believe these elements fit together because they reflect the values which can be seen as the foundation of a business. This didn't change much from my first idea napkin because although I found more about the consumer most things stayed the same. In describing who I am I took what I learned from the previous assignment where people had to describe me and used it in here.

*Feedback memo:
I didn't receive any feedback from my 11A assignment.


  1. Hey Isabella, I really like that you drew your idea napkin out and made it a map. I really like the elements you included into it, it does reflect that things that are needed to have a successful business and happy consumers. I also really like the fact that you included the values of your business on this napkin and incorporated it into the map.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Isabella, I liked how you organized your ideas, your assignment was clear and detailed. You added a few new elements to this assignment that helped your ideas come through clearer and gave it more depth. I also enjoyed how you actually drew out and wrote your idea, it allowed me to visualized the concept easier. My napkin idea also only changed because I had a better understanding of the costumers. Great job!

  3. Hi Isabella,
    I liked how your idea napkin was organized. It allowed me to visualize how all of your potential customers' attributes connected to each other. I also liked how you were able to connect what you learned about yourself from the secret sauce assignment and added value to this assignment. Great work!
