Friday, July 17, 2020

22A – Elevator Pitch No. 3

Reflection: I received great responses on my last pitch, people seemed to like it and saw the passion I put into it. After receiving great constructive feedbacks the main points made to improve my pitch were:

  • project my voice more (speak louder)
  • increase the length of video 
In response to the feedbacks I kept in mind to speak louder (without seeming mad or screaming) throughout the video, and although the script didn't change i tried to control the speed in which i was talking. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Isabella, you did a really good job for this pitch. I can see how you took the feedback you got and used it for this assignment. You were able to deliver your pitch very clearly, you spoke clearly, using an appropriate speed and tone and your ideas came through really well. You were also able to connect with the audience really well. Thank you for sharing!
